The Barn

I-Beam Saga

Ed did some shopping for an I-Beam needed for the new barn. The beam needs to be about 21’ 7” and the beams only come 20’. He was going to have to buy 2 beams & have them welded together & then cut off the excess. This process was going to cost us about $700. Earlier this year Ed had…

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The Garden


We (I may be using that term rather loosely as it is mostly Ed) have been working on our garden area this spring. Ed built all the raised beds and we have an honest to goodness vegetable garden. We will be putting up the deer fence this weekend and this winter Ed plans to build the pickets for the fence.…

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The House

Front Door under construction

We had the front door built and installed waiting for the raised panels (which were in the barn that got hit with the high wind. Ed and AJ brought the panels for the bottom 3 sections into the house & Ed will complete the install sometime this week. I am designing the stained glass for the insert at the top…

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The House

Step Landings

Ed just got the landing’s done at the bottom of the entry steps. They look great, it is nice to have the landing instead of stepping into dirt or worse, the sticker weeds.